Friday, August 26, 2005

So much to do, so little time.

For example, homework. Projects. What else... oh yes, and debate. And much more. Much more than you could ever dream or think of.

Wow. I love my school.

And my teachers.


When I was young, I used to think that the school was just one evil organisation.

I mean, the homework was alright, but it puzzled my then ignorant mind as to how the teachers could be so knowledgeable. Now, of course I know that is not true.


Well, since Teachers' Day is just around that dark, gloomy corner, a tribute should be in order for all the teachers who have one way or another made a dent, huge ones at that, in my life.

"*Cough Cough* teachers are great *Cough Cough*"

Dry weather lately. Ya.

Since that's done and over with, let's head on to something closer to home. Why not my home.

Maybe not. Secrecy is best, and such is the way of life. Ha.

Not that I hate my family, in fact, they are the best people to be around.

But still, why should I tell?

Ok, useless post.

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