Wednesday, December 03, 2008

prom and what happened after that

Haha prom. Seriously I thought it could have been worse, but it turned out alright. But just alright. Not fantastic or groundbreaking or anything. When the waiters and all did the short dance with all the fancy (faulty) lights, I nearly dry-vomited. No seriously, I hope that some part of my ticket price did not go to training them for that thing. Food was alright, but the entertainment, well, let's just say they tried their best. But everyone (well, almost everyone) looked really good that night, and it was fun taking pictures with people I knew (and people I didn't really know).

Post-prom started out slow I guess, and while I thought it really picked up at the end, to the serious clubbers, it never really did. Oh well, not really a clubbing type myself, I was just satisfied with whatever there was. Drank some, danced (read gelek-ed) some, and was called wild/crazy/cute by some. But I really thought no one could see me under the blinking lights (no really, they were blinking)! Anyhow, that would probably be the first and last time I step into a club of my own free will, unless I'm forced to, for work or some other nonsense, haha.

Oh well, I'd prefer my mundane life anyday, thank you. Much better I think. (:

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