Friday, April 03, 2009


It is official. PHWOAR stands for Posterity Happens When Occasions Are Remembered (I'm good at acronyms I know I know I know). Which basically means a post because I need to remember the things that happen to me, even if they seem trivial, because all the little things add up!

Okay last time I blogged was last Wednesday, so let's do a little time-travelling.

When it was Thursday, on the 26th day of March, the boss gave us ALL a treat! Supposedly in my honour some more. Now you can't get that at a huge firm because that'll just be plain uneconomical. So we went for, er, Thai-Indonesian-Peranakan-anything-you-can-find-in-Southeast-Asia-just-throw-it-in food! It was filling, but...

To be honest, my discerning tastebuds could tell that the assam prawns weren't assam enough, the tom yum soup wasn't tom yum (or is it yam?) enough. Basically, the tastes should be sharper and more flavourful. The chef must have had a scolding from the boss, that's what I think. Either that or he is a boring old man.

After work I went home and TOILED till 4am. See later why.

OKAY FRIDAY THAT DAY. My last day of work. Note the lack of exclamation mark because I was sad. That was bad. They specially cooked porridge and brought a lot of side dishes, and then sat me down and made me eat lunch with them, hahaha. (One of the aunties said that I was now all ready for NS, after they had given me enough nutrition already. Which is quite true.) Anyhow after lunch I gave them each a personalised letter that I had TOILED over the night before. They were really quite touched (and rightly so! A lot of effort put in, until I dozed off midway I NEVER DO THAT), some with tears in their eyes (didn't cry lah but can see). So that basically dragged on until the end of the day where they each came up to me and said their goodbyes and gave me some motherly advice hahaha. And I hope they'll make good on their promise to let me know to go back if they've got some good food (yes that's most important and probably one of the things I'll miss most).

OKAY SATURDAY. Ate breakfast with M (no shaddap it's not Judi Dench) at Delifrance. Somehow that place manages to make very little food seem like a lot (and that's saying a lot because I can eat a lot). Or maybe it's because of the free flow of coffee/tea (the MOTHER says that's quite worth it because tea at pseudo-café establishments tend to be overpriced). We talked a lot (yes I only eat and talk don't ask me to do anything else), and well, I'm glad to be of some help at least. (:

After that I went to get a little something for the BROTHER'S birthday. Actually got him two brightly-coloured, screaming Disney files (on purpose because all his things no colour), but the SISTER spied a file she liked after I bought them both and went for lunch with the PARENTS plus her. So now the BROTHER has the file with the Disney babies in all their infant glory. Haha and I actually forewarned the BROTHER that the file was fake, only to let him tell me actually it was the real deal. Okay I feel appeased for the weirdly high price for a piece of flimsy plastic. Oh and I'm so sad I couldn't eat much during lunch because I ate too much breakfast. That's how I get emo, hahaha (okay shall shaddap).

OKAY SUNDAY. So after church and cell group, I FINALLY meet SY and YX for dinner. You know where? It's the Heartland LINE-OF-SHOPS-IN-AN-AIR-CONDITIONED-ENVIRONMENT, that's where. NO it cannot be called Heartland MALL, because it is seriously made up of too few shops and too narrow walkways it becomes a concrete pasar malam. Oh wait pasar malam got more shops hahaha. So I went there and ate from some Hong Kong cafe thing that CHARGES FOR PLAIN WATER HOW LAME CAN THIS GET I DON'T GET THEM. But the food was okay though YX was complaining about the LOUSY CURRY HOW LAME CAN THIS GET SHE DOESN'T GET THEM.

OH YES AND THANK GOD I WENT AND MET UP WITH THEM, REALLY. A certain university required both submission of both application AND supporting documents ON THE SAME DAY and I didn't realise it until then! FIASCO (actually the word sounds quite vulgar). If not for them, I'd probably miss the last boat. And Ms K was also very nice about it even though I informed her late.

On to happier and less stressful things. I got my overdue present! Aaaand, it's a bag with apparently feminine buckles as mentioned by SY. How anti-climatic, bestowing a, might I add, rather expensive present and then whoosh, pouring all the cold water on it, hahahaha. BUT NO, it's not feminine! Where got buckles feminine?! Like that guys cannot wear belts because they have freaking big feminine buckles in the middle ABOVE the nether regions... So it's like imposing its feminity on the symbol of manhood, suppressing it even! *HERRR!* (no it's not a war-cry for feminist, Amazonian women warriors a la "HER! HER! HER!" but the sound that is produced when a sharp breath is drawn a la *HERRR!*) But no, buckles are but unisex accessories, asexual even. So that means that SY and YX know me pretty well, ahaha. Well, the bag is nice, and through my brilliant deductions, I know the general price of the bag, HEEEHEEE. Anyhow, thanks to the both of you! Going to try use it some before going in.

OKAY MONDAY. Ms K got back to me really quickly, it is much appreciated. Spent the day doing applications.


OKAY WEDNESDAY. Today I met SY's paternal side of the family, or more like the one whom paternal is derived from. He chauffeured SY and me to the university to drop off our applications and documents. I got a rude shock over there when I realised the website instructions were different from the words coming out from the admissions officer's mouth. Breakdown in communication much?

So of course I had to tell the truth: that it was their fault. No, really. Anyway that was settled soon after (I hope). Then SY's father brought us for lunch there. It was quite a nice place as well, and I wished that he didn't spend so much on my meal. Even I do feel bad sometimes no matter how appearances may deceive you, hahaha. Anyhow, I especially enjoyed the soup with the pastry hat (don't know what's it called), but wow, was it filling. I think I ate the most there. Oh wait of course I did. Even gladly took leftovers from others, haha.

SY's father's really quite nice, and I can tell he thinks like an engineer (he's one). Don't know why but I somehow sort of admire people who can think as such, probably because I can't think like that really well.

OH YA and I played a game of pool with SY. Even though I won (yesss I won), admittedly SY is the better player. Just that I managed to get well-placed shots most of the time. Oh whatever actually I'm quite good too, hahahaha.

And you know what?! I went for international buffet later on! As if I hadn't had enough food. It was at a nice hotel, which I didn't expect to be upmarket but it looked really classy and modern, much to my surprise, so that was good. The food was good too, with a reasonable spread and lovely presentation. All that only means one thing: I could increase my chances of bankrupting the place. I seriously ate so much that even I surprised myself. I'm so scary, hahaha.


So far that's about it. (:


  1. I like the buffet at Orchard Hotel (was that even its name), but it's been a year since I've been there. So sad.

    You really think too much about food. How are you gonna survive army? My mother is still deluded that they feed dog biscuits to recruits there, oh my.

    Are you gonna attempt to defer army...?

  2. jiayun12:00 PM

    ZOMG YOU EAT HELL LOT. or at least the (almost) only thing u'll never miss out blogging is food! >.<

  3. Haha... 2 uni apps down! And I realised that the Adam who sent the email was one of the mentors at science centre heh~

  4. The one I went to is at Changi, which is exactly why I thought it wouldn't be great. But since the hotel's spaaaanking new, it was. Can lah, just have to adapt a lot, hahaha. Maybe they really do, but the good ones shouldn't taste all that bad. Er I don't think I can...? Not unless it's one of those really top-tier scholarships which I really don't think I can get.

    HAHA NOW THEN YOU KNOW MEH. But yes, you're right on both counts. Food is an integral part of my life. Now you can give me a treat if you so wish to. (:

    HAHA FINALLY. Who's Adam? I think you think I know what you are talking about but I really don't... :S

  5. Haha u didnt receive the email regarding the extension of dateline?

  6. HARR WWWWHAT DEADLINE?! Oh my goodness how come I'm not getting anything..?

    *freaks out and collapses*

  7. Even I, who did not apply, know. USP application deadline has been pushed back! Haha. Did your email eat up any important detail...?

    Didn't know you guys can apply before NS. This is local universities is it?

  8. I knew that from the website information, but I didn't get any email regarding said information. Don't know leh...

    Can, some scholarships insist you do so before NS as well. Local unis are very 'understanding', willing to hold places for you. Have to I guess, under government's direction I'm sure. To even out the playing field!

  9. AH. Of course.

  10. Haha... I still cant believe I lost at poolllll nooooo!

  11. YES, even out the playing field.

    Hahaha I can't believe it too! But it happened! (:
