Friday, January 01, 2010

2009 + 1

Yeah it's the new year. If I sound almost nonchalant about it, well maybe yes I am. Yup, it definitely is one of the better things so far, but when one is to fly off to the island off China for non-leisure purposes, especially for non-leisure purposes, you can't blame him ya? Certainly I carry with me a much better perspective this trip around, but I don't doubt it's a sad event, with additional responsibilities, crazy training schedules, and all.

So what happened last year?

The other day (okay maybe last week or last, last week) I met up with K after an astounding six months (no I can't believe how long it was) for lunch at this really purse-enlightening Italian outfit that really was Japanese in disguise. I must go back for more sometime, it's so worth it! Caught up a lot with each other (hopefully this time it should not last for more than six months), and I guess that's about it. I think that's all I'm capable of outside, eating and talking. Well, that's more than I can say for myself.

Went for (another) hotel buffet with the FAMILY, which truly stuffed me. I ate till I literally dropped, but who cares for the bloated stomach when you've attained the knowledge that you've gotten every single cent's worth. That's the Singaporean in me speaking (plenty of that in there).

Confined myself in camp for no compelling reason except that the whole FAMILY was in Taiwan and I only had a day out. But that turned out surprisingly fun, because I could settle a lot of the 'chickenshit' they gave us. I realise that my mindset has been turning for the better recently, even the authorities have realised and commended me (a lot, should I say) for that (and as a result the additional responsibilities). Well, all of this positivity should only encourage me, no less.

One up from 2009!

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