Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Where did they all go?

Just a side-rant (Twitter-styled, but not so):

Where did they all go flying/fading off to? What happened to the good ol' PC games (I don't know what they're termed) (and yes that was a dangerous oxymoron) that actually took time (not realtime games like Farmville or whatever uncreatively named games there are) and effort (unlike 'instant noodle' games that are over in like what, 20 seconds?)? Okay yes, those games are still around, but they no longer offer well, in terms of updated gameplay, more user-friendly interfaces, and graphics that could deceive a donkey. Maybe it's my fascination with seeing macro in micro, or maybe it's my God complex, or maybe I'm just really a little kid still enamoured with Lego, but games like Sim City (or any others that simulate control over an establishment) appeal to me greatly, but sadly, there doesn't seem to be that many of such games around, that are actually able to stand up to stiff competition from the influx of more action/gore/violence/thrill-packed games. Games that let us control characters a la Sims don't really appeal to me (because I might as well live my own life well), but I was admittedly interested in the 'Build'-ability that it offered. Recreational architecture - that's what I call it. Probably I'm more of a creative than a destructive force. Yes, that explains it best.

(Yes it's not Twitter-styled because it's wayyy more than 140 characters. What's up with the word limit anyway.)


  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Take care in Taiwan and let me know when you're back! Hope it isn't 6 months til we can catch up again!


  2. Haha the generation of short attention span?

  3. K: I'm baaack! Yup but schedule's really tight; don't know why got so many things on for us after Taiwan.. I'll let you know when we can meet up, definitely.

    eBlockHead: Most probably, very little people have the virtue of thick, generous patience I so embody right? (:
