Tuesday, March 23, 2010

long overdue, but here I am

So yes, a few things. My birthday's passed, so has ACPC, and the commissioning. Wow, it's really been a ride.

Both the birthday and the ACPC share a lot in common actually, simply because they were on the same day. All the tumultuous ragging and the midnight stampede aside, it was at best, endearing and at worst, plain raucous fun. Not that I'm a mad fan of it, but. They brought out a cake and a soft toy thereafter, and well, I guess I softened a little. How do you get mad with people who celebrate your birthday? So later on, was ACPC and the dining-in and all that. Post dining-in was a bad idea; turned into the reddest tomato red anyone could drag out of the closet. Because of some dare. Groggy, but never drunk, dare I say it.

More ragging between ACPC and the big day. Especially on the last night, whoa. And on the last day. And the very last day as well. Funny how it never seemed to end.

Let's just say the commissioning went well, and how everyone, including I, felt the sadness, nostalgia, and the feeling that rushes up your nose bridge. Oh well, all good things must come to an end, or at least a screeching halt. Soon these memories will fade, but hopefully the good ones will remain. The bonds forged and friends made - we'll try to relive them somehow, won't we? It's yet another time to say goodbye, all the best, and see you soon.

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