Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Another irrelevant one.

Has eternity gone by yet? Really? That was fast.

(My my, not paying close attention, eh. That's what my posts do to people. Refer to last post, 5th paragraph.) Anyway.

So here we are, at the (not so) awaited sequel of the aptly named "The Most Irrelevant", where readers, or rather victims, are hurled into a mess of disconnected thoughts, disoriented rantings, and the ever-so odd moment of truth. Here are some questions, now. Let there be megrim!

1. Why do online dictionaries have female speakers to enunciate, and not males?

2. Why do calculators sometimes refuse to have an "off" button, or refuse to do so when there's one?

3. Why does it take 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile? I mean, doesn't gravity help one bit?

4. Why is 70 - 80% of all Singaporean land state-owned?

It'll take at least a while for the dust to settle, but the age-old question, which defies all comprehension, (even logic): Which came first, the chicken or the egg?


  1. ok, i gotta make ths quick.

    1. Why do online dictionaries have female speakers to enunciate, and not males?

    DUH. females are generally better at languages. the case of you being better than me in this area is an exeption.

    2. Why do calculators sometimes refuse to have an "off" button, or refuse to do so when there's one?

    perhaps some calculators function using solar power so there isn't a need for one?

    3. Why does it take 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile? I mean, doesn't gravity help one bit?

    because a frown covers a larger surface area.

    4. Why is 70 - 80% of all Singaporean land state-owned?

    can you say communists? okay, i could be arrested for saying that. okay, not communism, but maybe state-owned land leads to better control and facilitated legislation.

    It'll take at least a while for the dust to settle, but the age-old question, which defies all comprehension, (even logic): Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

    i belong to the camp that says chicken. god created the chicken first, and then it reproduced. like god created adam first, and then he met eve and they had kids.


    le melon.

  2. Haha.

    1. But is the female voice so much better than a male's? Hmm.

    2. But still, "off" buttons are important, especially for me. Haha. Anyway.

    3. "Grinning from ear to ear" proves that smiles are generally bigger in size. Haha.

    4. True, true.

    I choose chicken too!

  3. You guys make me have headaches *ugh*

  4. Precisely. That's what I intended. Hur hur.

  5. female voices, i think, are generally clearer and more pleasing to the ear.

    besides, some females have really sexy voices. i happen to think that rani mukherji's (bollywood superstar) voice is really deep and sexy.

    le melon, marky boy.

  6. Haha. Aren't male voices deeper?

    Anyway, when's debate?
