Saturday, November 12, 2005

what now?

There is always a period in one's life where one asks self: "What now?"

So, "What now?" I asked myself one day. Of course not out loud, that would be mad. "What now?? a voice in my head whispered. Remember, I am not mad, just mentally unsound. So began a debate in my head.
Anyway, hogwash.

So ya, there will come a point in time where one is uncertain about life's direction. Where one is in need of navigation, and where one needs a rudder to do so. And a compass. Now that's important. Very.
Again, hogwash.

Whenever all this happens, it's just because one is disoriented, thrust into a situation so alien that E.T. couldn't even phone home, and that Manhunter couldn't wriggle himself out of. Well, it so happens that MIB couldn't even handle it.

You see, when one is disoriented, this is what happens. Blog posts become totally irrelevant, and readers will have to skip this one, and wait for eternity for another. Another totally irrelevant blog post because thisbloggerhasnothingtowriteandpostsinceheleads atotallymundaneanddisorientedlife,asIhavedisorientedlystatedabove.

Oh well, as they say, what porridge ate John Keats?!


  1. What do you mean what porridge ate John Keats o.O? I do not go around thinking what now, so perhaps im abnormal =) If your life is disorientated, my life will be in a mess, wait a minute, my life is in a mess - oops!

  2. November 9, 2005, Wednesday -MindYourBody-

    from Mind Matters: Reach out to mentally ill early..
    [on psychosis]
    Common Symptoms:
    - Feeling sad, irritable, confused or isolated
    - Feeling like you're being watched
    - Difficulty sleeping and concentrating
    - Thinking that other people are against you or talking about you
    - Seeing thngs and hearing voices that are non-existent
    - Thinking you have special powers
    - Avoiding contact with people
    - Talking on smiling to yourself
    - Obsessive-compulsive, or aggressive behaviour

    You certainly display a few of these symptoms. I suggest you seek medical help.

    hahah. just jk. =) cheers!

  3. i TOLD you.


    anyway. you're fine the way you are. :)

    le melon.

  4. Ya, what porridge ate John Keats? Chicken?! Anyway. Haha. Your life a mess? When will the jokes ever end?! Haha.

    I display:
    Symptom No. 1: I get confused. Easily. Very easily. Wait, is it easily, or do they say hardly? Easily or hardly? Easily or hardly?

    Symptom No. 5: Hearing non-existent voices. No wait, they exist; I hear them as clear as a bell.

    Symptom No. 6: This I did not mention in my post, but I hope to have Xavier's powers one of these days. Clairvoyance, I like.

    Symptom No. 8: What can I say, I love monologuing.

    Did you just call me a melon?! Haha, I know next to nothing about French. Zut.

  5. le melon ain't french, baby.

  6. Someone get a paramedic! Give her some air! Cold water! Anyone!

    Aack. A cross between the cowboy and Sylvester Stallone, that one.

  7. you ask me to update.

    ok lor.

    i update.

    you leh????

    update ah..

    haha. i feel all ah beng-ish today.

  8. Me? I'm the boring one around here hello. So, if anyone should be updating, it should be people who I linked on my blog, not me. Hee hee.
